Have you decided to search eastern Europe for a women for marriage? each year thousands of men from Western Europe and the USA decide to search for a suitable women to marry from Russia, many succeed but unfortunatly a large amount of these men fail in their searches often giving up after just a few weeks.
If you are one of the guys who has decided to search the Russian women personals web sites here are a few tips to help you on your way:
Always choose a Russian dating site that has a broad selection of women of all ages, sizes and back grounds, if you find a Russian brides dating site that is stacked with young twenty something beauty queens you can be assure 100 % they will be fakes or scammers and the site will also be poor quality site out to scam you out of your hard earned cash. As with any mainstream dating site you should see profiles of young women and old, fat women and thin women, beautiful young Russian women and not so beautiful young Russian brides.
Stay away from PPL (Pay Per letter) Russian brides web sites , these sites charge you for each letter you send to any Russian ladies and reply to any ladies, they also have a nasty habit of employing married women and students to communicate under bogus names to unsuspecting Western men seeking a Russian women to marry. You will never meet any real women on any PPL dating sites that is for sure. Always stick to a free russian brides dating site or a subscription site that charges you a small monthly subscription for unlimited access to ALL the Russian women on the site, they also allow unlimited communication and access to freely exchange contact information such as Skype or Whats app with the ladies, allowing you to connect with them “Off” site , you don’t want to be stuck on a web site only being able to communicate via that web site do you?
Upload some good quality photos that are recent , don’t make the mistake of uploading images of you when you was twenty years younger, it will not help you in any way, women want to see what you look like right NOW not twenty years ago! Its not going to look good when it comes to video chat that you actually look 20 years older in real life and you lied about your age in your bio is it?
Forget about chasing young Russian women around half your age, they will not be interested it is as simple as that! Look at it this way, would you go down to your local and start chatting up girls 30 years younger than yourself? No probably not, so what makes you think it is possible in Russia? If you do this as well as making yourself look stupid your probably going to get scammed along the way, waste many weeks/months or years chasing a false dream.
Always stick to a reliable and trusted international dating sites for marriage to scucced in your searches