Have you been looking for a real Ukrainian dating site?
Many would say searching for a Real Ukrainian dating site is like searching for a needle in a hey stack which is correct if you have no idea what you are doing, but if you know what you are doing and use just a little common sense.
If you look upon any Ukrainian dating site as though it was a normal mainstream dating site and remembering that actually not every women in Ukraine looks like a super model it is very easy to spot one of the few real Ukrainian dating sites.
Broad range of Ukrainian women and not all supper models under 35 years old.
You should expect to see the following on any real Ukrainian dating sites:
1 . A broad mix of women from all ages young and old and old could mean in their 70's! Yes old Ukrainian women are also looking for love.
2. Women of all sizes , super slim and very over weight, yes Ukraine has it’s fair share of chubby women just like any other country, if your not seeing this then you should already understand your on a fake site.
3. Short and tall women, you may think every Ukrainian women is super tall? But no there are also many short women as there are in all other countries.
4. A range of photo shots of the ladies from professional too awful , not every women has access to some good photos, and in fact many women simply do not upload photos so you should see plenty of avatars with no photos.
Those are the main pointers to look out for on any of the real Ukrainian dating sites out there, if you just see pages and pages of young beauty queens you should already understand you are on a fake Ukrainian dating site.
Good luck with your dating.